Oregon Measure 11 Mandatory Sentencing and SB 320

In November 1994 Measure 11 became law when 788,695 people vote YES while 412,816 voted NO. In 2000 Measure 11 was reaffirmed to be what the people of Oregon wanted with Measure 94 when 1,073,275 voters said yes against the 387,068 no’s. Since 1994, there have been 6 attempts (including measure 94) to alter or repeal the law that was voted on BY THE PEOPLE of Oregon, 1 or 2 of the alteration were to add mandatory sentences for crimes. Now there is a new attack on Measure 11, and I find it insulting that our legislative bodies would prefer to ignore those that not only voted for the law but also voted to put them in office. I find this a true slap in the face to the people of Oregon who voted Measure 11 into law and put those legislative people in office. I would like to say it is a huge slap in the face of the victims of Measure 11 offenses but the truth is, it is so much worse than a slap in the face. It is insulting that the Oregon Senate feels that criminal’s rights supersede the rights and safety of the victims and voters.

SB 320 would make it possible for Measure 11 offenders to get early release instead of serving the full mandatory sentence. These criminals can get out early if they jump through hoops that are stipulated by the courts in addition to good behavior. I read the testimonies in favor of SB 320 that were on the website and the whole time I was think boo freaking hoo. Great they are walking the line in prison, what about the people they victimized with their choices. Those victims probably deal with PTSD and anxieties that can last their entire lives (these things can be a life time prison) and those people are whining because the person they are writing for can’t get out early, really? At least they are getting out at some point, the victims will never get out of or away from the trauma that those people caused.

I would ask the Oregon Legislatures to think about those that have been victimized by the people in prison and finally acknowledge what they are dealing with, help the victims for change, give them a sense of security, let them know they are safe in this state. Let them have the right to see police reports and have input in the legal process. I know I for one do not feel safe in this state any longer.

Links to SB 320
2023 Regular Session 
Introduced SB320

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